Wednesday 15 September 2010

Narkier than thou

I've got nothing to really complain about. I should put this first before I proceed to complain.  The fact that top of my list is really something very petty should give you a clue about the pleasant life I lead.

Things that have annoyed me today:

1. For two hours and 12 minutes (since 2pm) I have been feeling narky over the fact that another team - who have recently begun using our meeting space - descended like a flock of birds on the second half of the baklava that I'd bought for my team to share.  It's not that I feel terribly precious about it or anything or would have denied them a piece of two, but I do think that they were a bit off in finishing it off without a thought for whether they contribute cake/tasty things to our area.  I think it's impolite.  And they're a nice bunch of people and I'm not petty enough to point it out to them, but it's impolite. Nay, it's rude.  And this started off my narkiness.

2. The other thing is that I've received another funding proposal to review from the same organisation responsible for processing my funding application (and which has already rejected two prior versions).  I'm feeling narky because I am a referee, yet can't seem to get my own proposal funded.  I just hope they fund this latest version or I'll really get narky.

And so that's it for now.  It's not much, and it's certainly not enough to make me fume, but it's enough to make me narky... narked with the world.

I may as well add a number 3: it's only 16.18pm.  And I'm all out of baklava.

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